Summary of findings for Toxin Flushing Power of Kinoki Detox Foot Patches
The trial of the Kinoki Detox Foot Patches (5 day trial pack) showed varying results in weight and BMI fat percentages. Stress levels were checked randomly and not at specific times, with consistently low readings each time I checked. This may be attributable to the relaxing activity of spending time with beautiful succulents and plants, propagating new ones, and decorating them. The most noticeable effects included a slight weight reduction, decreased tightness in fractured ankles, and improved sleep on some nights. However, the results fluctuated, indicating a need for further testing to confirm consistent benefits. Remember, every product works differently for each individual, depending on factors such as daily food intake, exercise, sleep, and overall lifestyle.
Measurement Tools Used:
Background Info Prior to Test:
Note: * This is recent and intermittent while our family members help look after our pet doggie Nala who is recovering from ACL and cataract surgeries and getting her diabetes under control. This is a good opportunity to see if the product helps.
5 Day Test (15/6 to 20/6):
Recorded Results:
Very impressed with service and quality. Very professional. Thank you
It's great, put it on and straight away the pain in my feet went right down
Very fast delivery, product is awesome the self heating actually works !!